Certainly there are very real security concerns to consider& a fact that virtually everyone in the cybersecurity world is quick to state and that Huawei itself concedes. 当然,关于安全问题的担忧并非空穴来风&凡是涉及网络安全领域的任何人都明白,即便是华为自己也承认这一点。
Real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from you-your relationship with God. 财富可能一夕之间便因各种不同因素而失去。真正的安全感只存在于无法从你夺去的事上,那就是你与神的关系。
That balanced and independent opinion is our only real security as a nation. 而这种公正独立的见解正是我们作为一个国家惟一真正的安全保证。
He spoke of apprehension and anxiety, but his countenance expressed real security. 他虽然口里说他自己又怕又急,可是表情上却是一副万无一失的样子。
I've found that friendship, not money, is real security. 我发现友谊而不是金钱,才是真正的财富。
A real security enterprise can keep a relative stabile cash inflow and profit while arrange maturing liabilities. 真正安全的企业应是在安排好到期财务负担的同时,有相对稳定的现金流入和盈利。
But the problem with P2DR is that it is hard to associate the stages in real network security management platform. 但是要将P2DR模型应用到实际的网络安全管理平台开发中,就需要解决模型中各个环节的联动问题。
Climate change is the real energy security challenge. 气候变化是真正的能源安全挑战。
The dreams about energy independence lead to expensive policies with no real energy security benefits. 能源独立的梦想导致了代价高昂的政策,却没有给能源安全带来实际好处。
The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability. 在这个世界上一个人能够有的唯一真正的安逸就是对知识,经验和能力的储备。
The Bush administration was not and could not have been serious about Nato membership for Georgia and Ukraine to the extent that it meant providing not just arms and advisers, but real security guarantees of US forces. 布什政府没有也不可能对格鲁吉亚和乌克兰加入北约看得非常严重,以至于美国不仅会提供武器和顾问,还会出兵,提供真正的安全保障。
The Legal Institute of real security is not only a means of transaction safety insurance, but also an effective mediator of social economy. 担保物权制度既是保障市场交易安全的基本手段,也是社会经济的有效调节工具。
Application of Linear Programming in the Steady-State Real Power Security Region 线性规划在有功静态安全域中的应用
However, the study of real property security has just begun in our country. Construction of the System of Mortgage of Titleholder in Law of Things 我国物权法中所有人抵押制度构建
Theoretical analyses, numerical simulations and practical applications all indicate that the proposed model can simulate the complex behaviors of real security prices better than the traditional models and has the merits of high precision and efficiency in prediction. 理论分析、数值仿真和实际应用结果都表明,与传统证券定价模型相比,新模型可更好地模拟现实的证券价格行为,具有预测精度高、速度快等优点。
An Analysis of Real Estate Security System in Taiwan Region 浅析台湾地区不动产证券化制度
As a real right security, the target of the mortgage setting of the ownership has distinctive characters, especially for the requirement of the development re I at I on between the market economy and cred I t stand I ng. 权利质权作为一种担保物权,因其标的的鲜明个性,尤宜市场经济与信用关系高度发达的需要。
Based on the discussion of the information network security and the analysis of real security and business demand, the paper proposed a method to construct the architecture of network firewall using packet filter router, which made the firewall exert its full function in the network security. 根据实际的安全分析和业务需求分析,针对信息网络的安全问题,提出了一个通过包过滤路由器来构建计算机网络防火墙体系结构的方法,使防火墙在网络安全中发挥最大的作用。
In general theory, the real right for security has such features as subordination, priority, worth, real security, specialization and etc. With the development of social economy, the system of real security has changed a lot, too. 一般理论认为担保物权具有从属性、优先性、价值性、物权性、特定性、他物权性等属性特点,随着社会经济的发展,担保物权制度也发生了变革。
Simulation results show that this method is valid in real security auditing systems. 将此方法应用于实际的安全审计系统,得到了较好的效果。
The fast development of modern Market Economics requires higher and higher of transaction and crediting, which increasingly challenges the real estate security system. 现代市场经济的高速发展对交易便捷和融资提出了更高的要求,也使得保障交易、维持信用的传统不动产担保制度日益受到挑战。
Faced with the securitization of real estate security in countries with developed Market Economics, it is wise to react after fully studying the only law system and analyzing the special circumstances of our country. 面对发达市场经济国家完善的不动产担保证券化制度,理智的立法是在分析研究该项法律制度和具体国情之后才会做出的反应。
Secondly, comparing to the charge, the legal nature of the reverse mortgage is a new type of real of security, which has the nature of material property, valuable, guarantee, but has the difference with the charge. 其次,与抵押权相比较,倒按揭制度具有抵押权的物权性、价值性和担保性之法律属性,但又不同于抵押权,是一种新型担保物权。
However, as the other networks, the campus network also have to face a lot of real network security issues and there are endless and various campus network security incidents. 事实上,校园网络和其他网络一样,要面临很多现实的网络安全问题,各类校园网网络安全事件层出不穷,因此,研究校园网络安全系统的建设与实现具有很强的现实意义。
In computer security incidents, the reason proportion which belongs to management is up to more than 70%, that is real information security needs systematic management to guarantee. 而在计算机安全事件中,属于管理方面的原因比重高达70%以上,即真正的信息安全是需要系统的管理来保证的。
Experimental results show that this model can objectively demonstrate the real information security risks of information systems and information security is a proven assessment methods. 实验表明,这种模型能够客观、真实的表现出信息系统面临的信息安全风险,是一种行之有效的信息安全评估方法。
The needs that parties in the change of real property for the change of real rights security and the attributes of substantive law and procedural law of notice registration determine that the values which notice registration directly reveals and guarantees should be safety and efficiency. 不动产物权变动中的当事人对物权变动安全的需要,预告登记制度自身的实体法与程序法属性等决定了预告登记制度直接反映和保障的价值目标应为安全和效率。
System is the fundamental solution to the problem, the only reasonable system, the only real security. 制度是解决问题的根本,只有合理的制度,才有真正的安全。
Thirdly, the author divides mixed co-guarantee into the mix of guarantee and real security and the mix of joint and several guarantee and real security. 再次,笔者根据混合共同担保中保证的方式的不同,将其分成了一般保证与物保的混合和连带责任保证和物保的混合两类。